Chromatics™ Ultra Rich
Monochromatic color
- Delivers monochromatic color deep into every hair strand for stunning and high-shine color
- Hair is 2x more fortified vs. uncolored hair*
- Cool fundamentals
- Up to 100% gray coverage
*Haircolor system with 20 Volume Oil in Cream Developer and Redken Hair Cleansing Cream Shampoo vs. uncolored hair treated with a non-conditioning shampoo
Chromatics mixes in a 1:1 ratio with 10, 20 or 30 Volume Oil-in-Cream Developers for up to 3 levels of lift and up to 100% coverage of gray hair. The alpha-numeric labeling allows for easy, predictable formulation and results. Chromatics may be applied with a bowl and brush using a Traditional or Modern Virgin Application.
Apply color generously using fine 1/4" diagonal partings. Cross-check application. Process at room temperature for 35 minutes. Shampoo with Hair Cleansing Cream.
ODS² Oil Delivery System
Propels dyes and protein extracts into the cortex of the hair, fortifying the hair strand and infusing it with multi-dimensional color.
Protein Extract Technology
Proteins Proline and Threonine fortify the hair strand.