Blonde Idol
Blonde Idol
When Using | Use This # of Scoops | To Equal To |
Flash Lift Scoop | 4 level scoops | 40 grams of Free Hand lightener |
Blonde Dimensions Scoop | 7 1/2 level scoops | 40 grams of Free Hand lightener |
Up to 7 Scoop | 7 1/2 level scoops |
40 grams of Free Hand lightener |
*Please note: The number of scoops is specific to the weight and composition of Blonde Idol Free Hand Creamy Lightener. The recommended 1:1.5 mixing ratio will still be obtained by using the options above: 40grams powder + 60ml (2oz.) Pro-oxide Cream Developer 10, 20, 30, or 40 volume.
Strengthens the hair fiber to prevent breakage.